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Founder Feature: Hannah Dixie of Book Ink

Meet Hannah Dixie.

CEO/Co-Founder of Bookink.

"There is so much opportunity here [in Cincinnati], and it's only continuing to grow. I am looking forward to growing my business here. "

Bookink makes the tattoo booking experience seamless and convenient for tattoo artists and clients alike.


Q: What is a problem you are working to solve?

A: The process of finding a tattoo artist and booking an appointment can be a daunting and overwhelming task for tattoo clients. The current process is not ideal for tattoo artists either, who we believe should spend more time creating, brainstorming, and ultimately doing what they love - creating incredible art. Tattoo artists are currently forced to market themselves/book clients across multiple platforms. This whole process can be disorganized and unreliable. At Bookink, we aim to take the hard work out of the booking. The Bookink app makes the process easy, and enjoyable and benefits the client and the artist.

Q: How will the Main Street Ventures Grant impact you and your business?

A: This grant will help us take action to complete and launch our mobile app. While we have spent quite some time creating, envisioning, and mapping out our approach, Bookink is ready for the next step. This grant will be beneficial in helping us gather the resources and tools we need to make sure our app is exactly what we've dreamed of - visual, user friendly and efficient.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give a young entrepreneur in Greater Cincinnati?

A: "Feel the fear and do it anyway." - Fear can be a debilitating emotion. I am on a journey of improving my relationship with fear. It is okay to be overwhelmed, afraid, or fearful, this strategy has helped me manage those emotions and channel them into helping my business succeed. I would tell anyone to just keep going despite the fear they feel.

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: I'm an early bird so my day usually starts around 6:00 am. My favorite part of the day is my morning routine. I wake up and get a quick meditation in and then go to hot yoga. After yoga and a shower, I'll drink my coffee and read a chapter of whatever book I'm reading at the moment and write in my gratitude journal. Then, I'll go about my normal workday at home since I work remotely. Once I'm finished with work, I make dinner for my partner and I, have a glass of wine and relax with a walk outside or some Netflix. I'm usually asleep by 10 pm.

Q: What’s a recent book, podcast, or news story that you found interesting?

A: I just finished a book called "Conscious Luck" by Gay Hendricks (author of "The Big Leap"). I thought it was interesting because it talks about how to intentionally change your fortune and re-create yourself as a lucky person.

Q: What is next for Bookink?

A: We are moving forward with completing our Bookink App and launching it to the public!


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