Nathanael Nunemaker
Founder & Farmer, Farmer Nate's - Unique & flavorful hot sauces and seasonings in small batches. www.farmernatessauce.com
Like many people, Nathanael Nunemaker found himself at a loss during the pandemic. His work in the photography and videography world had abruptly come to a halt, leaving him plenty of time to take up the pastime he dreamed of for years – growing his own food. Despite his best efforts, however, the only things that seemed to last were the habanero and jalapeno peppers.
“Habaneros and the jalapenos grew like crazy, and I didn't know what to do with them,” Nunemaker recalls.
Fast forward a few years later and Nunemaker has now gotten lost in his sauce – and he has Main Street Ventures to thank for helping him take his startup business to the next level.
“Handcrafted in the heart of Covington” – that’s one of the taglines for Farmer Nate’s, the hot sauce line “where flavor meets fire,” owned by Nunemaker and his business partner, Jordan Huizenga. Fully FDA certified in the summer of 2021, the company has grown out of Nunemaker’s backyard to a 48-acre farm in Piner, Kentucky. Featuring three standard flavors – the mild Kentucky Tang, the medium Curry Jalapeno and the spicy Smokehouse Habanero – the company also sports a collection of limited-edition offerings. This includes releases like its current “Dill with the Devil” limited edition with Chef Christian Gill and its Louisiana-style sauce made in collaboration with Beards & Bellies BBQ of Covington. “Covington Gold Dust,” made with dehydrated cayenne peppers, is also available as a taco seasoning and rub for other meals.
Main Street Ventures first became part of the Farmer Nate’s story in 2023 when, upon being referred by a Northern Kentucky startup support organization, Nunemaker applied for (but did not receive) a grant. Undeterred, Nunemaker bolstered his portfolio for a second round of grant funding, which would lead to him receiving $7,500 to help with meeting the demand for his product by enhancing his abilities to produce the supply. Working with a co-packer freed Nunemaker from the demands of making, bottling and labeling all the product by himself and made the process faster and more efficient.
“I got in this cycle of the demand being there – I could create a bigger demand – but I only have x amount of supply. We were in this loop of buying the same amount of product/supply each month and then getting stuck,” Nunemaker says. “I just recently started with my first batch working with KHI brands, it's the same people that own Pompilios in Newport. Now, they're making my stuff for me and they're awesome – I have really enjoyed working with them.”
Originally gaining traction through the farmer’s markets where he would set up shop and other word-of-mouth techniques, things are definitely on the upswing for the Farmer Nate’s brand. The company now has products in stores in several states, Nunemaker noting negotiations are currently underway that would bring Farmer Nate’s into a major retailer with 900+ stores nationwide.
“For perspective, we're moving just over 200 cases a month. We're talking 2,000 something bottles a month are going out. We also do four or five markets and shows and demos a week,” he says. “It’s at the point now where people are ordering every day online and I have no clue who they are. Just two years ago, I would be like, ‘Oh, that's my friend’ or ‘That's my family member’ – it's way past that now.”
One thing he is happy that has not passed him by, however, is the continued support he’s received from Main Street Ventures.
“The support that they offer (is huge) ... Knowing that I can send an email and say, ‘Hey, I have this issue – do you have anybody for me or know the answer to it?’ Nine times out of 10, they're going to say, ‘Yes’ or they're going to help me find somebody that can,” he says. “They've just been great, they help spread the word about my business and all the other businesses that are part of the program. I’ve really enjoyed the support that they offer.”
When asked what he would tell other aspiring entrepreneurs about reaching out to Main Street Ventures, his reply was simple: Do it.
“The funding, obviously, is awesome, but that's just the very tip of it. That’s not even what I think is the most valuable part (although) it obviously helped slingshot my business a little farther,” he says. “But they also offer monthly updates with access to all the different meetups, happy hours and different speakers. ... They're not just going to give you their funding and then say, ‘Good luck.’ They check in with you and are there for you – that's the most valuable part.”
